
Hearing Loss Prevention

Charles Fontaine • Jun 30, 2022

Let’s celebrate Canada day long weekend by knowing how to protect our hearing!

Our world seems to get noisier all the time, and many of us use our devices most of our day. Hearing loss prevention is at the heart of what Audiologists do. Here are some useful guidelines and tips:

Appropriate headphone dosage/day:
-Practice the 80/90 Rule: No more than 80% of volume for 90 minutes/day. If you want to listen for longer, then the volume needs to go down.
-Choose noise-cancelling over-the-ear headphones: less volume will be needed compared with in-the-ear headphones

How to test noisy kids’ toys:
-Hold toy at arm’s length. If you cannot hear conversational speech, it could be damaging to your child’s hearing.
-Different types of noise protection are available:

Noise protection for loud machines noises/industrial use; protection for shooting; sleeping plugs.
-High-fidelity earplugs for music enjoyment and speech in noisy environments.
-You can choose either non-custom (over-the-counter) or custom-made (require earmold impression) plugs.

Contact us today for a full hearing evaluation!

14 May, 2024
May is Hearing and Speech Month , a time dedicated to raising awareness about hearing and speech problems, and promoting treatments that can significantly improve quality of life for those affected. At Elevate Hearing, we are committed to raising awareness by educating our community on the importance of early detection and the difference hearing intervention can make in a person’s life.
11 Mar, 2024
Two years have flown by since Elevate Hearing opened its doors, thanks to the vision of co-founders Praise Chow and Charles Fontaine. Nestled in Vancouver’s renowned medical district, our independent hearing clinic has thrived, building on over 40 years of collective expertise to deliver premier hearing healthcare to our valued clients. A heartfelt thank you to both our loyal clients who have continued with us and the new faces who have chosen our clinic for their hearing needs. Your trust and support mean the world to us, and we are deeply moved by the numerous 5-star Google reviews you've taken the time to share. Our appreciation extends to Stacey Ready, our Client Care Specialist, whose dedication and knack for solving problems have been invaluable to both our team and clients. As we step into another year, Elevate Hearing is more committed than ever to providing exceptional care. Our pursuit of excellence includes a commitment to continuous learning and improvement to enhance our services and client care. We eagerly anticipate many more years of serving you and invite you to discover the unique benefits of independent service, unparalleled expertise, and a client-first approach at Elevate Hearing. Here's to moving forward, together. Warm regards, Praise and Charles
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